Monday, May 26, 2008

Leftovers for Briony's House Warming

After Pamela's order i had piles of cupcakes left and you can only force your family to eat a certain amount before it gets creepy!

Here are the cupcakes i made for Briony (who moved house on the weekend and we all know what that is like!) with leftovers from Pamela's order. They are Vanilla Butter Cake with a layer of chocolate icing and a swirl of vanilla icing. Topped off with the left over blue white chocolate stars.

Again, Sorry about the crap photography! only so much you can do with a container of cupcakes at 10pm on a Sunday night - That's a little late for cupcaking but its when the brilliant idea of giving them to Briony struck me!

Now if only all my leftovers were as pretty.....


Anne Coleman said...

Forget the photos! Can you come and teach me to decorate? I truly stink at it!

Sunny said...

Hahaha... no problems! The photos truely are hideous! they were taken on my trust mobile... gotta love technology!

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