Sunday, May 15, 2011

Turtle Brownies

Today is Sunday and I had no plans. I woke up, kissed my lover goodbye & settled in for a day of cleaning, cooking & watching bad Sci-Fi television. Then I remembered seeing this recipe that The Pioneer Woman put up on her blog last week & I knew I had to try it!

Turtle Brownies (as the Americans call them) are brownies with a middle layer of caramel goodness. I amended Ree's recipe to suit my tastes and what was available at the time. Here's my version:

■1 box Chocolate Cake Mix (I Used White Wings Chocolate Cake)
■1 cup Finely Chopped Walnuts
■⅓ cup Evaporated Milk
■½ cup Butter, Melted
■½ cup Nestle Caramel Top'n'Fill (adjust to your own taste)
■⅓ cup Chopped Dark Chocolate or Chocolate Chips
■¼ cups Powdered Sugar

1. Preheat your oven to 160C degrees.

2. In a large bowl, mix together cake mix, chopped walnuts, 1/3 cup evaporated milk, and melted butter. Stir together until totally combined. Mixture will be very thick & similar to cookie dough.

3. Press half the mixture into a well-greased 9 x 9 inch square baking pan. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove pan from oven and set aside.

4. Mix caramel until it is smooth. Layer over brownie base. Sprinkle chocolate/chips as evenly as you can over the caramel.

5. Turn out remaining brownie dough on a piece of baking paper. Use your hands to press it into a large square a little smaller than the pan. Flip the paper over the mix to easily lay the brownie top on top of the caramel and chocolate. You could also create the square top on your work surface and move it across with a spatula.

6. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from pan and allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate for several hours. When ready to serve, generously sift powdered sugar over the surface of the brownies. Cut into twelve helpings and carefully remove from the pan.

Enjoy! But remember, make the servings small as it is devilishly rich!

x Sunny x


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