Hi there! Those of you who read my lifestyle blog, The Life of Sunny, probably know quite a lot about me. However, those of you who read my cooking
1. My celebrity crush has always been (and always will be) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ever since I watched Terminator 2 as a 10 year old, I have been madly in love with him! I own just about every movie he has ever made & when I am sick they are my favourite DVD’s to pull out.
2. My favourite colour is red, and sometimes purple.
3. I love to read – there is always a stack of books on my bedside table awaiting my attention. To feed my book habit I’m often found trawling the shelves of my local second hand book store & getting massive packages of books bought in the UK delivered to work.
4. I desperately want a pug dog. But living in an apartment is not conductive to raising a puppy!
5. I have spent the last 3 years on a desperate search for the right pair of brown or tan flat boots with no success (yet!). But this year might be my lucky year.
6. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters ranging in age from 14 – 28. They are all amazingly funny & interesting, with such completely different personalities to each other. Their quirks are a constant source of hilarity – from my 14 year old sister Emma who is intensely passionate about gay rights & can quote Harry Potter in any situation, to my 19 year old brother James who wraps me up in a blanket and puts a glass of water by me when I fall asleep on the lounge after watching movies together when I visit home. I have never met people I value more!
7. My favourite tea is Crème Brulee from T2, my favourite coffee is Vanilla Latte by Nescafe & my favourite hot chocolate is $1 from 7/11!
8. My family owns a Cattle farm called Speter Island Cattle Farm in Townsville, Queensland
9. Every year I buy plants and by the end of February they are all dead. My balcony gets full sun in summer all day long & even 2 days without watering kills any plants…. I actually met my partner at Bunning’s (a hardware store) whilst buying more plants to sacrifice to my sun god. So I guess there is a silver lining!
10. My favourite pizza is plain cheese.
Well I hope this gives you an insight into the woman behind the apron!
Sunny xx
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