1 block of chocolate
Peanut butter
Honey – you can use regular or creamed
Mini cupcake patty cases
1. Melt the block of chocolate in the microwave – cook for 1 minute then stir. Cook for another 30 seconds & stir until fully melted.
2. Place the mini patty cases in a mini cupcake tin – this helps the chocolates keep their shape. Place 1 teaspoon melted chocolate in each case.
3. Place a half teaspoon of peanut butter and a half teaspoon of honey on top of the chocolates.
4. Cover with another teaspoon or so of chocolate. Decorate & refrigerate.
Other ways to spice it up:
- Use caramel top‘n’fill instead of the peanut butter & honey to make soft caramel centres.
- Use flavoured chocolate such as nut varieties (we love Cadbury macadamia) or liquor chocolate.
- Replace the peanut butter and honey with nutella for a super chocolaty hit!
- Decorate using coloured white chocolate, by placing a nut on top or with sprinkles!
Sunny xx
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